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Is it the Hubble? A UFO? Wait… It’s a drone!


Scientists have often debated among each other regarding the possibility of migrating humanity to other planets, extraterrestrial life in space, and further exploration of our galaxy. Today, a new, up-and-coming technology could solve a decade old debate: drones. Traditionally used as a source of entertainment to fly around, drones have evolved into useful tools that improve the lives of many by conducting search and rescue missions, dousing wildfires, and shooting cinematic shots for the entertainment industry. Now, scientists have constructed drones to become space sustainable, forever changing the future of space exploration. Because of the expensive cost to transport and construct bulky equipment and cameras to outer space, drones are the perfect vehicle to expand our knowledge of the universe.

Example of drones floating in outer space

Why is space exploration important?

Global warming is the most imminent threat to human survival. Wars are more likely to occur during extreme weather events, natural disasters, and food supply disruptions. Terrorist attacks are more likely during the collapse of global ecosystems, economies, and governments. For example, a record breaking drought in 2007 to 2010 in Syria marked a mass migration of farmers into urban centers, directly fueling the 2011 Syrian Civil War. As of now, humanity pours all our eggs into the same basket. If a natural disaster strikes, humankind is at risk; however, if there are habitats beyond Earth, the probability of a catastrophic outcome will be significantly reduced.

Possibility of life on another planet

Why are drones beneficial for space exploration?

There are several great advantages to using drones for explorations in general. First and foremost, advanced drones can cover vast distances and access hard to reach areas that others cannot. Traditionally, manned missions and bulky stationary landers have trouble traversing difficult terrain. The usage of drones, however, can easily fly across and weave through obstacles.

Drones easily navigating through rubble

Additionally, drones can operate autonomously. Due to communication difficulties and the harsh environment, manned missions are dangerous yet ineffective. The advancements of artificial intelligence will simply code the drones to carry out complex missions without human intervention. Scientists can safely stay on Earth while the drone collects data for analysis. The usage of drones can easily repair malfunctioning satellites and other space infrastructure. Whereas engineers and scientists have to take many safety precautions for repairs in space, drones will conveniently fly to a place and fix any malware. Some drones will also be built to collect sample data from neighboring planets of temperature, humidity, and air pressures, which will aid scientists in the discovery of habitable planets in case of a global disaster.

Ultimately, drones offer a multitude of advantages over traditional methods of space exploration. Drones are more convenient because they can travel large distances, explore difficult terrain, and operate autonomously, saving the time, energy, and money of scientists who want to advance the world’s knowledge of the universe.

Example of drone floating while collecting data

What have scientists done to prepare for the launch of advanced drones in space?

Sending any kind of equipment to outer space is very costly, which is why scientists have discovered a place with an environment similar to Mars. More than 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle is a small island called Devon, where the Haughton impact crater resides. At Haughton, scientists developed a program called the Gamma Rotorcraft for Analog Planetary Environments, a drone based vehicle that could search for life in space without human guidance.

A scientist flying a drone at the Haughton impact crater

Have they been successful?

Currently, a camera-carrying helicopter called the Ingenuity, part of the Perseverance rover mission, has been launched to Mars and helped us learn important information about drone operation on the Red Planet. Additionally, a quadcopter with many scientific instruments will participate in the Dragonfly mission to explore Titan, Saturn’s moon, in 2026.

Pictures above: Drones on the surface of Mars (picture 1), Dragonfly mission (picture 2)

How will drones work in space?

Because the drones used on Earth will not function properly in space, NASA’s drones fly through jets of oxygen gas or water vapor to move around instead of rotors. They will have enough storage for fuel to get to their default location.

The future of space exploration

The future of space exploration will be forever changed with the development of drones. From simple entertainment methods to now exploring other options for human life, drones have revolutionized the means of exploration of the unknown. That’s one small drone for man, one giant leap for mankind.

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